When I meet with couples for their weddings - either through our virtual or in-person planning sessions, one thing I always ask is “How big is your wedding party?”

The reason I ask this - is typically couples will have a set amount of groomsmen and bridesmaids - but typically forget all those that will be party of the wedding processional. This will typically be parents, grandparents, flower girls, ring bearers, and sometimes even padrinos.
Another question I always ask revolves around the church. Depends on what location the ceremony will be in typically will help shape what the wedding processional looks like. With various churches around Texas, this can very tremendous from less than 40 feet - to practically hundred of feet. One of the most unique churches I can recall at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church has one of the longest entrances, where couples not only process down the aisle, but also around the entire semi-circle of the church prior. This makes for one of the longest wedding processionals I play, but also makes for a nice entrance where friends and families typically get a nice formal entrance and view.
Typically, I generally suggest two songs: 1 song for the wedding party (everyone except the bride) and 1 song specifically for the bride. Not only does this help with making sure that the bride gets her ‘moment,’ but it also helps set the tone for a change in the ceremony that is noticable for friends and family that something big is happening.
What I’ve typically recommended to couples that they stay away from is having too many songs. I vividly remember one planning session where a couple brought one of the parents to the planning - and she kept insisting that each parent gets their own song (on top of the wedding party songs). Although there is nothing wrong with this, it made for way too many changes during the Mass, given that each set of parents were only walking down the short aisle for about 20 seconds.
At Music for Any Occasion, we specialize in making sure that the right amount of songs happen for each individual location. With us playing at dozens of locations around Texas, we are uniquely positioned to be very comfortable playing in any setting for any wedding ceremony and welcome all inquiries and questions. For pricing and questions, please reach out to us here: https://www.MusicForAnyOccasionSA.com/contact-us
We looking forward to working with you!